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Hardwood Timber Species

Timber Mat Industries have conducted extensive research to best understand hardwood timber characteristics from around the globe, and we offer numerous different hardwood options. Our Hardwood Mats include six main species of hardwood timber: EKKI, Dabema, Okan, Oak, Beech and Karri.​ This timber information has been collected and verified by CIRAD (The French Agricultural Centre for International Development)


We work with certified timber merchants to ensure that we use sustainable timber supplies that comply with all the relevant responsible forestry legislation, you get the peace of mind of knowing that it is responsibly sourced.

African Tropical Hardwood

EKKI / Azobe
Botanic Name: Lophira alata
Volume Mass: 1,010kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 21,420 per mm²

Flexibility Strength: 162N per mm²
Crushing Strength: 96N per mm²
Slide Strength: 17.1N per m²
Durability Class: 1

Botanic Name: Piptadeniastrum africanum
Volume Mass: 700kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 15,190N per mm²
Flexibility Strength: 98N per mm²

Crushing Strength: 57N per mm²
Slide Strength: 15N per m²
Durability Class: 1-2

Botanic Name: Cylicodiscus gabunensis
Volume Mass: 910kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 22,260N per mm²
Flexibility Strength: 134N per mm²

Crushing Strength: 82N per mm²
Slide Strength: 15N per m²
Durability Class: 1

European Hardwood

Botanic Name: Quercus petraea
Volume Mass: 700kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 10
,900N per mm²
Flexibility Strength: 96N per mm²

Crushing Strength: 55N per mm²
Slide Strength: 9.9N per m²
Durability Class: 2

Botanic Name: Fagus sylvatica
Volume Mass: 700kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 12,300N per mm²
Flexibility Strength: 113N per mm²

Crushing Strength: 54N per mm²
Slide Strength: 15N per m²
Durability Class: 5

Australian Hardwood

Botanic Name: Eucalyptus diversicolor
Volume Mass: 900kg per m³
Elasticity Module: 23,000N per mm²
Flexibility Strength: 119N per mm²
Pressure Strength: 70N per mm²
Slide Strength: 70N per m²
Durability Class: 2

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